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  • Performance (20 marks)

The candidate will present a programme designed to demonstrate the distinctive vocal and dramatic techniques required for three different kinds of material. The differences may build either on the period in which the texts originate or on the character of the material (lyrical, satiric, narrative, and so on). Each piece presented should be introduced by naming the piece and its author, and commenting on the type of material. Maximum time: 10 minutes.

  • Teaching (20 marks)

Option A: The candidate will teach a lesson of 15 minutes in the examination room to a solo student or a small group of students (maximum 5).


Option B: The candidate will submit a recording of themselves teaching a lesson of 15 minutes to a solo student or a small group of students (maximum 5). The recording must be a DVD. Two copies must be submitted at the time of application. Depending on facilities at the centre, the examiners may assess the recording either during or prior to the examination. Note: examiners prefer to see a ‘live’ teaching session; any candidate choosing the DVD option must seek approval from the Chief Examiner in writing in advance of entry, explaining the necessities that govern their choice. It is expected that the main focus of the lesson will be practical work. The choice of focus is open – for example, it can be rehearsal and preparatory exercises, vocal and physical work or direct work on texts, and more than one approach is likely to be integrated into the lesson. Any discussion that may be incorporated into the lesson, of performance approaches or relevant background material and ideas, should relate carefully to the grade level being taught. The beginning and the end of the teaching should indicate where the lesson stands in the overall programme of work. Notes: (i) The candidate is responsible for providing the student(s). (ii) The candidate should have been teaching the student(s) for more than six months prior to the date of entry for the examination. (iii) The candidate must make clear at the beginning of the presentation what grade the teaching is placed at (chosen from Grades 1 to 8). (iv) DVD recording should be from a fixed position and without subsequent editing.

  • Presentation (20 marks)

The candidate will give a presentation of 15 minutes on the following: • the general aims and approaches that are considered by the candidate as central to the teaching of speech and drama work; • a specific account of a programme for teaching at the subject and grade level chosen for the lesson in Component 2; • an account of the distinct approach required for teaching a different grade, using a representative text to illustrate points. 

  • Discussion (20 marks)

The candidate will be asked to engage in a discussion of approximately ten minutes with the examiners on questions that may arise from any of the three earlier components, according to the examiners’ assessment of the substantial areas to pursue. 5.

  • Essay (20 marks)

The candidate will submit an essay of between 2,500 and 3,000 words on a significant topic in the field of teaching drama and communication. The topic can originate within any area that is of particular interest to the candidate. Broadly, there is an expectation that there will be issues weighed up in the essay and research undertaken to deepen the perspective on the topic; at the same time, a personal and enthusiastic writing style will also be given credit.

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